Water Department

Pay your bills online

5730 Seneca Street
Elma, NY 14059
Brian Fiden -

Brian Nolan Jr. - Crew Chief

Phone: (716) 674-8855
Fax: (716) 674-0929
Email: elmawater@elmanewyork.com or watercrew@elmanewyork.com
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Voicemail is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Messages will be answered on the next business day. If you reach the voice mail during normal business hours it means the line is busy; please try again. In case of an emergency after hours please call 911.

Disclaimer Notice
Neither the Town of Elma Water District #1, any employee or agent warrants the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information on our website. The Town of Elma Water District #1 is not responsible or liable for any loss, consequence or damage of any type resulting directly or indirectly from any reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the information found on our website. Incorrect or outdated, and many of the documents and materials are not official versions of public record information. Any person, organization, business or any entity that relies on the information contained on this website, does so at their own risk. The user assumes responsibility of verifying any and all materials used from this website. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the Elma Water Dept. either by email at elmawater@elmanewyork.com or calling 716-674-8855. Thank you.

Number ONE-Security and Safety:
The Elma Water Department has made additional heightened security improvements to our complete water system. Security and public safety are number one with us. To help us if you see anything that just “doesn’t look right” to you, please call us or call 911 to report it. Please note that water department personnel or the fire departments of Elma can only use fire hydrants.

What is the Elma Water Department?:
The Elma Water Department is a special district in the Town of Elma, which was formed in 1964 to distribute potable water to its residents. Elma purchases 100% of its water from Erie County Water Authority. We do not add any chemicals to the water, but we do test for purity and quality on a regular scheduled basis. Our objective and goal are to give our water customers good quality water, available water for fire protection, maintain our distribution system, and good service to our customers and residence of the Town of Elma at the best possible price. Our devoted crew and staff are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year if there is an emergency such as a break.

Help us Out:

  1. If you see anything that looks out of the ordinary or “just not right” call us immediately.
  2. Please have your house number posted on your house and mailbox for our service personnel
  3. Cut the grass and remove the snow around the fire hydrants so they can easily be seen in case of an emergency.
  4. Separate you meter reading cards before sending back the half with your reading on it and send as soon as possible.

Download the Town of Elma Water Ordinance (PDF)